This article provides an overview and summary of the COBIT 5 process Ensure Benefits Delivery, which is part of the Governance – Evaluate, Direct and Monitor domain.

The purpose of this COBIT 5 process is to optimise the value contribution to the organisation from IT services and IT assets. Value from IT initiatives, services and assets delivered in a cost-efficient manner is crucial to ensure that:

  1. The organisation is securing value from its portfolio IT services.
  2. Value is derived from IT investment through effective benefits management practices.

The following sub-governance processes are further supported by a list of control activities:

  1. Evaluate value optimisation. Continually evaluate the IT portfolio to determine the likelihood of achieving organisation objectives and delivering value at a reasonable cost.
  2. Direct value optimisation. Implement value and benefits management practices to enable maximum value creation and realisation.
  3. Monitor value optimisation. Monitor the IT goals and metrics to expected value and benefits are being delivered.

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